Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 1754

Daily Devotional. For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: BUT THE WORD PREACHED DID NOT PROFIT THEM, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. Hebrews 4:2. Did you see the news recently? I’ll paraphrase. “A man walking home from church was stopped by a carload of thugs who took out a baseball bat and proceeded to beat him to death with it. The attack was so vicious the bat cracked as the attackers killed him, then continued to beat him to a bloody pulp for five more minutes. The attackers were arrested and when asked why, said, “He went to church, that’s a good enough reason right there”. The man’s wife was so impressed with her husband’s death that she asked for and was given the baseball bat, had it washed clean, repaired, and mounted in a glass covered case for all to see. She even had tiny bats made into necklaces for her friends and family to wear so they could remember the beating”. End of story. I would have to say the wife totally missed the purpose of the bat. She uses it to remember the vicious beating and what her husband looked like after his death. His murder is always on her mind. But she has to re-read his obituary to remind herself that he was a good man in life. Folks, we do the same thing with “The Cross of Christ”. We have cleaned it up, sanitized it, repaired it, and made it a thing of beauty to remind us of Christ’s death. We have conveniently forgotten, WE KILLED HIM. Everyone knows about the Cross, but we have to be told Who Christ was and what He did during His life on this earth. The Cross is ONLY important as a killing machine. It’s a sentence in a big story. WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, and HOW CHRIST, IS THE STORY!!! I’m not saying forget the Cross, I’m saying, REMEMBER CHRIST, and, Be Blessed.

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