Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 1756

Daily Devotional. FOR THE WORD OF GOD IS QUICK, and POWERFUL, AND SHARPER than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12. We Believers can memorize as much of the Word as we want, and that’s a good thing, but for this discussion, that’s not THE THING. Let’s make ALL things equal here. If you are a Professional, well-seasoned, extremely eloquent speaker with a great memory Preaching at your church, good for you. If you are a young sheep whose heart cries out to be used of the Lord, and the Lord gives you some verses to write down, and then He tells you to go read those verses to your friends, and you do, BOTH OF THESE CHRISTIANS ARE ON EQUAL FOOTING. One has nothing over the other. In God’s Eyes, they are the same. (As far as delivery goes). Why? Because you cannot control how well the Word is received and what effect it will have on the hearer. That is totally and completely in the Hands of the Holy Spirit. Whether Charles Haddon Spurgeon, or you, read John 3:16 to a group of people, YOUR results will be the same. All you both can do is speak the verse. The results are now out of your hands and in the Hands of the Holy Spirit. Here’s the point, NO ONE CAN CLAIM THEY ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO TELL SOMEONE ELSE THE GOSPEL. Moses tried that and it didn’t work for him either. You are just as qualified to “preach” the gospel as anyone else on the earth. The Holy Spirit Convicts, NOT YOUR DELIVERY. Jonah delivered a God given warning to a people he WANTED to see go to Hell. His heart wasn’t in it. THEY ALL REPENTED AND THE CITY WASN’T DESTROYED. We are COMMANDED, each one of us, to go tell the gospel to our friends and neighbors, WITH NO EXCEPTIONS, NO EXCUSES. Are you confined to a hospital bed and can’t move? Tell your doctors and nurses! You speak, let the Holy Spirit do all the work, and you all will, Be Blessed.

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