Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4525

Daily Devotional. Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, LET US LAY ASIDE EVERY WEIGHT, AND THE SIN WHICH DOTH SO EASILY BESET US, and let us run with Patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith; Who for the Joy that was set before Him Endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the Right Hand of the Throne of God. For consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, LEST YE BE WEARIED AND FAINT IN YOUR MINDS. Hebrews 12:1-3. Take us the foxes, THE LITTLE FOXES, THAT SPOIL THE VINES: for our vines have tender grapes. Song of Solomon 2:15. Let’s Understand something, NO (WO)MAN IS GOING TO HELL BECAUSE YOU DIDN’T TELL THEM THE GOSPEL. The Burden of Salvation belongs TOTALLY to the Holy Spirit, and no man can do His Work. ALL OF SALVATION IS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, PERIOD. What you CAN do, if you want to, is be a part of the Salvation “process” by planting a seed, watering, tilling the soil to remove weeds and applying fertilizer, all the things a farmer can do for his crop. BUT ONLY THE LORD CAN BRING THE INCREASE. The little foxes will do their best to stop, cancel or nullify you working in the Fields white unto Harvest, BUT THEY CAN’T STOP YOU, OR THE WORK YOU’VE BEEN CALLED TO DO, UNLESS YOU ALLOW THEM TO, meaning, unless you use the little foxes as an excuse to NOT work the Fields white unto Harvest. As an illustration, let’s say there are 10 “steps” to Save someone and you only do 3, or 5, or 8, and stop, (And it’s your assignment to do all 10). Wherever you stop at, the Holy Spirit will already have someone else ready to finish the work you didn’t. NO ONE WILL LOSE OUT ON SALVATION BECAUSE YOU DIDN’T “FINISH” THE JOB. They will not Receive Salvation BECAUSE THEY PURPOSLY CHOSE TO DENY CHRIST HIS PLACE IN THEIR LIFE. By their own mouth they will be Condemned. The question is, how much will you Obey the Holy Spirit today, that you both may, Be Blessed? 

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