Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 3615

Daily Devotional. Yet IF ANY MAN SUFFER as a Christian, LET HIM not be ashamed; but let him GLORIFY GOD on this behalf. FOR the time is come that JUDGMENT MUST BEGIN at the house of God: and if it first begin AT US, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel OF GOD? 1 Peter 4:16-17. To have a “Righteous” Leader is a good thing for the people. The Land can be at rest. To have an unrighteous leader causes pain and suffering and the land has no peace. All through the Bible, the Lord has used Great Prosperity to Bless people that they might recognize His Hand and come to Him in Repentance and Praise. And many times, when the Lord did this, the people would sit back enjoying all the Blessings, grow fat and lazy, and forget about the Lord. It seems that today, the American “church” has forgotten the Lord. When this happens, troubles and tribulation are usually the next step when Prosperity doesn’t work. Whether the next 4 years bring more Prosperity, or serious difficulty, IT ALL COMES FROM THE HAND OF THE LORD TO BRING IN LOST SHEEP, AND SERIOUSLY MATURE THE BODY OF CHRIST. Let this be a time to understand that the Lord is calling YOU to start Revival in your own Heart, to call others to Christ, and to show the world you can walk in Victory, no matter what the world throws at you. Just “getting saved” is only the start, not the final outcome. To Live In, Walk With, Search Out, Seek and Obey the Lord Jesus Christ, now THAT’S True Life in Christ. The Lord will use Satan, man, and the Holy Spirit to poke, prod and provoke man to get up off the couch AND LIVE CHRIST BEFORE A DEAD AND DYING WORLD. Rejoice in the Mercy and Grace the Lord extends to you. Rejoice in the trials, troubles, testing’s and tribulations the Lord Faithfully brings you through, that you may see Christ, and the world sees Christ in you. This is your one shot in all of eternity to get it right, make it count, be found Faithful, and finally hear those most Precious Words, “Well done…”, as you’ll, Be Blessed. 

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