Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 3886

Daily Devotional. By Humility and the Fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life. He that hath a Bountiful Eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor. Proverbs 22:4,9. He that hath pity upon the poor Lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will He pay him again. The Fear of the Lord tendeth to Life: and he that hath It shall abide Satisfied; he shall not be visited with evil. Proverbs 19:17,23. When a man sees the error of his ways and repents of them unto Salvation, the Lord changes his Heart from one of “Me First”, to one of Burden and Caring for others with THEIR need for Salvation. Christians Love one another, Care for one another, and even allow that Care and Love to spill over into the world of the unsaved and God Haters. Someone cared enough about them as a lost sinner so it’s only Natural (in Christ) to now return that “Favor” and Care for other lost people. That’s how the Body of Christ grows. Believers learn to Grow in that very unnatural new Love (for others) as they experience this new now Natural Love from Christ unto themselves. As this world grows more and more unlovely, the Love of Christ to His People AND to all other people will Grow into a Force to be reckoned with. This Love of Christ WILL turn people TO Christ, or turn people AWAY from Christ. It’s all about Heart Attitude and how well you will Receive this Love of Christ towards yourself, and how well you’ll forward it on to others who are definitely not deserving of it. (As if YOU were deserving of it before you came to Christ)? As you Love Christ and share even some of your overflowing Blessings with others, even to the “unlovable”, you are Lending to the Lord, and He ALWAYS pays back His debts above and beyond what He owes. He even Paid In Full YOUR sin debt before you even knew you had one. Christ gave you the Gifts of Life, AND Life Eternal. Will you Love Christ enough to share even a little, even “10‰”, with others? Will you share “time” with others, and, Be Blessed? 

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