Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 3629

Daily Devotional. And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And He said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the Words are closed up and sealed till the time of The End. Many shall be Purified, and Made White, and Tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and NONE of the wicked shall Understand; but the Wise shall Understand. Daniel 12:8-10. The Lord had just shown Daniel an amazing Vision of future events, and finished the vision with the understanding that at that time there would be no understanding. And only at The End would His Followers be given full understanding of what the Vision meant. The “unsaved” will never “get it”. But those who are Saved, will. Try this on for size. If the church, the Full Body of Christ, THE BRIDE is here on earth, Pure, Holy and Righteous, without spot, blemish or wrinkle ALL THE WAY TO AND THROUGH THE VERY END, and then Christ comes to Receive His Bride, WHAT IS THE HARM OR LOSS IN BELIEVING HE’S COMING AT THE END OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION? All of Christ’s Followers, believing this, will be Seeking Him TODAY, to be Prepared, to be Cleansed of all worldliness, all self, flesh and old man nature, all spots, wrinkles and blemishes, ALL FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST, TO BE MADE READY FOR CHRIST, AND TO “HELP SAVE” ALL WE CAN TO EVEN THE VERY END??? Is it wrong, or a waste of Christ’s time to ask Him to prepare us for the End Of All Things? Will we be reprimanded for WANTING to be Ready to the very end, even if we suddenly look around and find we’re already in Heaven because of the sudden Rapture, and we really didn’t need to “get ready” as mentioned above? And here’s Option #2. Never “get ready”, find out the hard way there is no Rapture, and then find yourself going through the “7 years of Great Tribulation” UNPREPARED??? It’s your choice. Be Ready and don’t “need it”, OR don’t be ready and really really really wish you were, only to miss out on Christ coming back for His Pure Bride, AND YOU NOT, BE BLESSED!!! 

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